It’s the first Easter afternoon, and two travelers make their way toward Emmaus. Jesus approaches, and mistaking him for a stranger they relate to him the news of the recent crucifixion of a man from Nazareth. Eventually, Jesus breaks in and teaches them from the Scriptures. For those two travelers, the road to Emmaus becomes a road to theological education.
What is striking about this story is not just what these travelers learn, but where and how. Rather than directing them to quit their jobs and enroll in rabbinical training, Jesus brings the teaching to them. The learning they experience occurs on the road and as a part of their daily lives. Later in the story, when it appears that Jesus is about to depart, they urge him to stay. As they break bread together, it’s easy to imagine that the lesson begun on the road continues around a table.The effects are transformative. Their eyes are opened and they come to recognize their guest as the resurrected Christ. In the midst of their journey, in the midst of shared meals and everyday tasks, theological education becomes part of the life of discipleship.
Inspired by this story, The Candler Foundry aims to make theological education accessible to everyone – believers and seekers, Sunday School attendees and lay ministers, community organizers and non-profit leaders, regular church goers and those just curious about faith. Our offerings are designed to be equal parts accessible and rigorous, providing wise, reliable, and relevant teaching in formats that can be integrated into your everyday life and faith. Join us to grow spiritually and develop practices that enable you to better serve the church, advocate for justice, have meaningful conversations, ask difficult questions, and engage issues that matter to the world.
Luke 24 (NRSV)
Now on that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, 14 and talking with each other about all these things that had happened. 15 While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and went with them,… 27 Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them the things about himself in all the scriptures.
Our Team
Ryan Bonfiglio | Program Director
Elizabeth Arnold | Post Doctoral Fellow
Damellys Sacriste | Courses, Grants, and Events
Janine Warrington | TheoEd Content Curator
Cristha Lea | Creative Producer
Donnell Williamson | Assistant Director of Community Learning and Partnerships
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