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Catholicism and LGBTQ Persons: A Dialogue


The Candler Foundry

Course Information

Course Dates: May 8 - May 17, 2023

Course Time: Mondays-Wednesdays 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EDT (in-person)


Meeting ID: 928 7485 2516

Passcode: 368474

Course Description

This course will offer an overview of Catholic teaching on gender and sexual orientation as well as its implications for LGBTQ+ Ministry.

The first part of the course will focus on magisterial doctrine on homosexuality and human anthropology of gender. The second part of the course will place Catholic doctrine in conversation with contemporary theology on the matter and the experiences of LGBTQ+ persons. Finally, the course will explore the implications of this dialogue toward LGBTQ+ ministry.

The course is designed for people who minister to and/or are interested in dialogue about this issue. Given the degree of contention over these questions of human sexuality, the course will attempt to create a safe and brave space where all voices can come to the table for a conversation. This will involve listening to diverse perspectives that disagree with each other in an attempt to build community despite disagreements.

The overall hope of the course is to generate a commitment to community and joint effort to minister to this marginalized LGBTQ+ population in our Church.

For more information, please email our Coordinator of Courses in the Community, Damellys Sacriste, at


Pitts Theology Library Digital Resource Access

Explore your theological questions

All registered participants in the Courses in the Community program have access to select Pitts Theology Library resources. These resources can be used to research topics, authors, or areas of interest from class discussions. Please click on the link below to be taken to the library access portal. If you need assistance, please contact Cristha Edwards Lea, Coordinator of Digital Initiatives, at

Username: catholicdialoguesp23

Password: foundryaccess05082023

Meet the Instructor

Dr. Ish Ruiz

Holding a PhD in Theology and Ethics, Dr. Ish Ruiz's research interests explore the intersection between queer theology, Latinx theology, ecclesiology, sexual ethics, liberation, human rights, and Catholic education. He has published articles on the inclusion of LGBTQ+ persons in Catholic schools and has actively ministered to queer Catholic school educators and students for almost a decade.

Through his teaching, research, and service, Dr. Ruiz hopes to see a world where Catholicism and LGBTQ+ people embrace each other with love and gratitude for the gifts everyone brings to society and the Church.

If you have any questions about the course, please feel free to reach out to Ish at


Tell Us How We’re Doing!

Your feedback is important to us! Throughout your time in this course, you are encouraged to let us know how we are doing. Please click on the button below to submit a short survey or submit any comments you would like to share with our team. We look forward to serving you!


Courses in the Community: On Demand

Please check this section regularly for your weekly course recordings and important updates. If you are experiencing any delays or issues, please email our Coordinator of Digital Initiatives, Cristha Lea at


Week 1

May 8, 2023

Week 3

May 10, 2023

Week 6

May 17, 2023


Interested in taking a course for credit or working towards a theological degree?

Connect with the Candler School of Theology admissions office today.

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