Welcome to The Candler Foundry!
We’re so glad you’re here! The Candler Foundry aims to make theological education accessible to everyone – believers and seekers, Sunday School attendees and lay ministers, community organizers and non-profit leaders, regular church goers and those just curious about faith.
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Hope is Here
Joyful and daunting opportunities to live into God’s dream of justice and beloved community are compelling and available. Hope, says Luther Smith Jr., is essential to the needed personal and social transformations that prepare us for such sacred opportunities. Yet genuine hope is often confused as merely wish fulfillment, optimism, or perceiving better tomorrows. In Hope Is Here! Smith describes how we truly perceive and join “the work of hope,” enlivening us to a life that is oriented toward immediate and future experiences of personal fulfillment, justice, and beloved community.
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TheoEd Nashville
Join us for TheoEd Nashville on Sunday, February 23, 2025 at 5:00 PM ET at the Woolworth Theatre in Nashville, TN! Woolworth Theatre aims to provide a unique, first-of-its-kind theatre experience in downtown Nashville.
TheoEd Nashville features a lineup of four dynamic speakers:
Sam Wells, former Dean of Duke University Chapel and one of today’s leading theologians
Julian Davis Reid, a jazz musician who writes about faith, music, Blackness, and rest
Suzanne Stabile, an internationally recognized Enneagram teacher and author
Lanecia Rouse, an artist-theologian who works at the intersection of creativity, beauty, and theology.
Clemmie Greenlee, Founder & CEO of Nashville Peacemakers