Is an application required?
No. There is only a short registration form that needs to be filled out in order to enroll in the program.
Who is the Foundations program meant for?
Lay leaders, deacons, church boards, pastors, teachers, activists, community organizers, and other individuals seeking to grow spiritually and professionally through structured, cohort-based learning.
Who will I be learning from?
Course instructors are engaging seminary faculty, university scholars, and seasoned ministers! Our instructors curate relevant and interesting content designed to help you deepen your knowledge and broaden your perspective.
Will I be going through the program all by myself?
No. While you will have independent work to do during the week, you will also journey through the track with a small cohort of 8-15 people, led by a trained facilitator.
Can I do the program fully online?
Yes. All of the learning components are designed to be completed remotely. In cases where a group from the same congregation or community signs up together, it is possible to arrange for in-person discussion sessions.
How many courses are in each track?
Each track consists of four, 6-week courses that you’ll move through sequentially.
How are the courses organized?
The material in each course is separated into modules, with each module consisting of one week’s worth of learning activities. Modules consist of both asynchronous material (online content that you move through at your own pace) and synchronous material (a live discussion session with others in your cohort).
How much time will the program take each week?
About 3 hours. You will spend about 2 hours working through the asynchronous learning activities (watching lectures, completing reading selections, written responses, comprehension quizzes) associated with each module. Here’s where you can go at your own pace! If you want to do all the work in one day or if you want to divide the work into smaller bits that you do throughout the week, it is up to you. In addition, you will participate in a 1-hour discussion session with your cohort.
Will there be a break between courses?
Yes. We have structured the courses so that you have at least three weeks from the end of one course to the start of the next. After the second course, there is a longer break to span the winter holidays.
What does the facilitator do?
The facilitator orients you to the track in your welcome discussion session. After that, he or she hosts the discussion session (your one hour of synchronous interaction with the cohort), tracks your progress, answers any questions you may have, and reads and interacts with your submitted written responses.
What happens in the live discussion session?
This “real time” session does a lot of things! The group might discuss their responses to the week’s readings. The facilitator may have the group practice a skill that was learned in the week’s lectures. Or there may be a time of sharing insights, questions, or concerns that come up as the group works through the module.
Are there tests or exams?
No. There are, however, ungraded comprehension quizzes within the modules. These are untimed, open note, and can be retaken as frequently as you wish. You also will be asked to complete brief and informal journal entries to help you process and respond to the materials.
What about grades?
While there are no grades, there are requirements for attaining the certificate. You are required to attend 80% of the discussion sessions (1 hour per week during the course) and complete at least 80% of the module materials (reading, written response, lecture, etc.) in order to receive the professional certificate.
Is there assigned reading?
Yes. As part of most modules, you will have short reading assignments to complete. Many of these readings will be available for free electronically. Some tracks may require the purchase of 1 or 2 books that will be used throughout the courses.
What kind of technological set-up do I need?
You will need a computer with a reliable high-speed internet connection. All the material for the course is online, and the discussion sessions will be held over Zoom.
What is Coassemble and how does it work?
Coassemble is the digital platform all the courses are on. Those registered in the track will receive log-in information via email. Once logged in, Coassemble allows the learner to move through each module sequentially. You complete each activity in the module in order to progress to the next module. Click here to watch our tutorial.
What will I receive at the end of the track?
After completing a track and all of its associated requirements you will receive a professional certificate and 8 Continuing Education Units.
Will there be more tracks in the future?
Yes! We are in the process of creating new tracks that address a number of different areas in ministry, leadership, and theological studies.
Can I receive credits or advanced standing for a seminary degree after completing a Foundations certificate?
Not yet—but we hope to offer this in the future. Participating in the Foundations program would be a great way to discern if a seminary degree is right for you.
Will completing a Foundations certificate count towards ordination?
It depends on your ecclesial tradition. Each track is designed to offer you practical skills and knowledge that will equip you for ministry in a variety of settings.
Are scholarships available?
Yes! There are a limited number of partial ($250) need-based scholarships. If you are in need of scholarship assistance, please contact our financial coordinator Damellys Sacriste for more details (damellys.sacriste@emory.edu).
Can I break up the $750 fee into separate payments?
You are permitted to separate the fee into three payments of $250.
What happens if I fall behind or cannot complete a course?
Reach out to your facilitator as soon as you feel your circumstances may present such a challenge. He or she will work with you to find a solution and/or make necessary accommodation. Should circumstances move beyond that, please email our program administration (elizabeth.arnold@emory.edu), and we will work to accommodate extenuating circumstances.