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Hope Is Here!


The Candler Foundry


Course Dates: Feb 6 - Feb 20, 2025

Course Time: Thursdays, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM ET (Online)


Course Description

Joyful and daunting opportunities to live into God’s dream of justice and beloved community are compelling and available. Hope, says Luther Smith Jr., is essential to the needed personal and social transformations that prepare us for such sacred opportunities. Yet genuine hope is often confused as merely wish fulfillment, optimism, or perceiving better tomorrows. In Hope Is Here! Smith describes how we truly perceive and join “the work of hope,” enlivening us to a life that is oriented toward immediate and future experiences of personal fulfillment, justice, and beloved community. Interpreting five spiritual practices for individuals and congregations to experience the power of hope, this book prepares us to engage racism, mass incarceration, environmental crises, divisive politics, and indifference that imperil justice and beloved community. It delivers the inner resources necessary to work for change through its interpretation of hope. Additionally, each chapter ends with questions that prompt readers to examine their experiences and their readiness to journey with hope. Written for Christians who want to commit themselves to justice and beloved community, this book will provide helpful guidance for a life sustained by God’s gifts of hope and love. Hope is here for our “responsibility” and “response-ability” to live the fulfilling life that God dreams for us.

For more information, please email our Assistant Director of Community Learning and Partnerships, Donnell Williamson, at


Access to Pitts Digital Essentials

Explore your theological questions

As a registered participant in the Courses in the Community program, you get 1 year of free digital access to the premier theological library in North America. You can use your digital account to research topics from this course, explore theological questions, and more! On the start date of your course, you will receive an invitation to set your password and gain access using the email you registered for the course with.

Please view the “Login Instructions” below for more information.

Meet the Instructor


Tell Us How We’re Doing!

Your feedback is important to us! Throughout your time in this course, you are encouraged to let us know how we are doing. Please click on the button below to submit a short survey or submit any comments you would like to share with our team. We look forward to serving you!


Courses in the Community: On Demand

Please check this section regularly for your weekly course recordings and important updates. If you are experiencing any delays or issues, please email our Coordinator of Digital Initiatives, Cristha Lea at


Week 1

February 6, 2025

Week 3

February 20, 2025


Interested in taking a course for credit or working towards a theological degree?

Connect with the Candler School of Theology admissions office today.

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