Thinking About Padilla & Perkins
Exploring the Intersections of Misión Integral and
Christian Community Development
The Old Testament can seem strange, even disturbing, for many Christians. How do we make sense of texts that portray God as wrathful? Why does the Old Testament contain so much violence? What do we do with all of its strange laws and rituals? How do we handle places in the Old Testament where individuals seem to be treated unjustly based on their gender, ethnicity, or social status? Drawing on biblical scholarship and pastoral insights, this course offers strategies for reading and responding to the Old Testament in ways that are both faithful and constructive. Emphasis will be placed on how this sacred text, despite its oddities, can inform Christian life and faith today.
Taught by Candler Old Testament professor Ryan Bonfiglio, this four-week course examines the relationship between science and faith. Rather than seeing them as bitter rivals, the course provides a framework for understanding how science and faith can relate to one another on more friendly terms. Topics addressed include creationism and the Big Bang, evolution, and miracles.