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Asian and Asian American Queer Theologies


The Candler Foundry

Course Information

Course Dates: June 3 - July 8, 2024

Course Time: Mondays 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EDT (online)

Meeting ID: 943 6343 5381

Passcode: 725839


Course Description

What does it mean to be Asian in America and queer...and Christian?

This course will look at cultural and genealogical themes related to Asian and Asian American queer theologies in the larger context of Asian American history.

These themes include multiple marginalities around racism and homophobia, transnational perspectives and experiences, and ministry to the wider church.

Each session will include short readings, guest lectures, Q&A and discussions.

For more information, please email our Coordinator of Courses in the Community, Damellys Sacriste, at


Access to Pitts Digital Essentials

Explore your theological questions

As a registered participant in the Courses in the Community program, you get 1 year of free digital access to the premier theological library in North America. You can use your digital account to research topics from this course, explore theological questions, and more! On the start date of your course, you will receive an invitation to set your password and gain access using the email you registered for the course with.

Please view the “Login Instructions” below for more information.

Meet the Instructor

Rev. Mihee Kim-Kort

Mihee Kim-Kort is a Presbyterian minister, agitator, speaker, writer, and slinger of hopeful stories about faith and church. Her writing and commentary can be found in the New York Times, TIME, BBC World Service, USA Today, Huffington Post, Christian Century, On Being, Sojourners, Faith and Leadership, The Revealer, and Religion Dispatches. (Links to some of her work can be found here.) In 2021, she was named one of Center for American Progress’s “21 Faith Leaders to watch.” She is co-pastor with her spouse of First Presbyterian Church in Annapolis, MD and a doctoral candidate in Religious Studies at Indiana University (read more).

If you have any questions about the course, please feel free to contact Mihee at


Tell Us How We’re Doing!

Your feedback is important to us! Throughout your time in this course, you are encouraged to let us know how we are doing. Please click on the button below to submit a short survey or submit any comments you would like to share with our team. We look forward to serving you!


Courses in the Community: On Demand

Please check this section regularly for your weekly course recordings and important updates. If you are experiencing any delays or issues, please email our Coordinator of Digital Initiatives, Cristha Lea at


Week 1

June 3, 2024

Week 2

June 10, 2024

Week 3

June 17, 2024

Week 4

June 24, 2024

Week 5

July 1, 2024

Week 6

July 8, 2024


Interested in taking a course for credit or working towards a theological degree?

Connect with the Candler School of Theology admissions office today.

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