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Asian and Asian American Feminist Biblical Studies


The Candler Foundry in partnership with Pacific, Asian, and North American Asian Women in Theology and Ministry (PANAAWTM)

Course Information

Course Dates: January 16 - February 6, 2024

Course Time: Tuesdays 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM EDT (online)

Meeting ID: 946 7465 7181

Passcode: 878765


Course Description

This course introduces the development and issues in Asian and Asian American feminist biblical studies from a transnational perspective. It will focus on the Torah, Prophets, the Writings, the Gospels, the Epistles, and the Book of Revelation.

The course will identify commonalities and differences between Asian and Asian American feminist approaches to building better understanding and solidarity.

Participants will gain new insights into the study of the Bible and ministry in Asian and Asian American churches and communities. Each session will include a speaker from Asia and another from the United States.

For more information, please email our Coordinator of Courses in the Community, Damellys Sacriste, at


Access to Pitts Digital Essentials

Explore your theological questions

As a registered participant in the Courses in the Community program, you get 1 year of free digital access to the premier theological library in North America. You can use your digital account to research topics from this course, explore theological questions, and more! On the start date of your course, you will receive an invitation to set your password and gain access using the email you registered for the course with.

Please view the “Login Instructions” below for more information.

Meet the Instructors

Dr. Kwok Pui Lan

Dr. Kwok Pui Lan rejoined the Candler faculty as Dean’s Professor of Systematic Theology in 2020. She previously served as Distinguished Visiting Professor of Theology for the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 academic years, and was named Faculty Person of the Year by the student body both years. Kwok is the former William F. Cole Professor of Christian Theology and Spirituality at Episcopal Divinity School. She has also taught at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Auburn Theological Seminary, Union Theological Seminary, and Yale Divinity School.

Kwok’s research focuses on Asian feminist theology and postcolonial theology. She has written or edited 23 books in English and Chinese, including Postcolonial Politics and Theology (Westminster John Knox, 2021); The Hong Kong Protests and Political Theology (Rowman and Littlefield, 2021); Occupy Religion: Theology of the Multitude (Rowman and Littlefield, 2012, with Joerg Rieger); Postcolonial Imagination and Feminist Theology (Westminster John Knox, 2005); Introducing Asian Feminist Theology (Sheffield Academic Press, 2000); Discovering the Bible in the Non-Biblical World (Orbis Books, 1995); and Chinese Women and Christianity, 1860–1927 (Scholars Press, 1992). Her current research focuses on the practice of postcolonial theology.

If you have any questions about the course, please feel free to contact Dr. Kwok at


Dr. Maggie Low

Rev Dr Maggie Low is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church of Singapore (PCS). She has a law degree from the National University of Singapore and served as a Varsity Christian Fellowship staff worker with the Fellowship of Evangelical Students (FES) where she helped to establish their missions training programme. She was also a pastor at Ang Mo Kio Presbyterian Church (AMKPC) for 11 years, during which she built up the Chaplaincy of Presbyterian High School. She led the Church for 8 of those years and was ordained as the lead pastor in 2001.

With the endorsement of PCS, Dr Low joined the faculty of Trinity Theological College as an Old Testament lecturer. She obtained her Th.M. from Princeton Theological Seminary and her PhD from Union Theological Seminary-Presbyterian School of Christian Education, Richmond, Virginia.

Dr Low often preaches at churches of all denominations. She has conducted courses on the Psalms and Ecclesiastes in various conferences, including the Living Word Conference organized by the Bible Society of Singapore and the Anglican Diocese. As a Presbyterian minister of the PCS, she serves on the Theological Review and Response Committee of the Synod.

If you have any questions about the course, please feel free to contact Dr. Low at

Tell Us How We’re Doing!

Your feedback is important to us! Throughout your time in this course, you are encouraged to let us know how we are doing. Please click on the button below to submit a short survey or submit any comments you would like to share with our team. We look forward to serving you!


Courses in the Community: On Demand

Please check this section regularly for your weekly course recordings and important updates. If you are experiencing any delays or issues, please email our Coordinator of Digital Initiatives, Cristha Lea at


Week 1

January 16, 2024

Guest Speakers:

Lily Fetalsana-Apura (Silliman University Divinity School)

Lisa J. Cleath (Princeton Theological Seminary)

Week 2

January 23, 2024

Guest Speakers:

Monica Jyotsna Melanchthon (Pilgrim Theological College, the University of Divinity in Melbourne)

Rosy Kandathil (Emory University)

Week 3

January 30, 2024

Guest Speakers:

Yak-hwee Tan (Tainan Theological Seminary)

Yii-Jan Lin (Yale Divinity School)

Week 4

February 6, 2024

Guest Speakers:

Naw Eh Tar Gay (Myanmar Institute of Theology)

Janette H. Ok (Fuller Theological Seminary)


Interested in taking a course for credit or working towards a theological degree?

Connect with the Candler School of Theology admissions office today.

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